10 Common Things That Weigh Approx 500 Grams

Have you ever wondered what weighs 500 grams? It can be challenging to visualize weights, especially when it comes to small measurements like grams. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore 10 common objects that weigh approximately 500 grams. By providing examples and comparisons, we aim to help you understand the weight of 500 grams in familiar terms. So, let’s dive in and discover the weight of everyday objects!

1. Can of Soup

Can of Soup – A Kitchen Staple

A typical can of soup, with its contents still intact, can weigh around 500 grams. Picture holding a can of soup in your hand and imagining its weight. This common kitchen item provides a relatable example of an object that weighs approximately 500 grams.

Transition: Now, let’s move on to another kitchen-related item that is often used for measuring.

2. Bag of Flour

Bag of Flour – Measuring Ingredients

A standard bag of flour, commonly used for baking, usually weighs around 500 grams. Take a moment to visualize a bag of flour typically found in grocery stores. This staple ingredient can help you understand the weight of 500 grams and provide a reference for other objects.

Transition: Moving from the kitchen, let’s explore a commonly worn accessory that weighs around 500 grams.

3. Wristwatch

Wristwatch – A Fashionable Timepiece

A wristwatch, depending on its size and materials, can often weigh near 500 grams. While wristwatches vary in weight, imagine wearing a watch that takes up a substantial portion of that weight on your wrist. Visualize the feeling of a wristwatch weighing around 500 grams to understand its significance.

Transition: Let’s now shift our focus to electronic devices that are often held in our hands.

4. Tablet

Tablet – Your Digital Companion

A tablet, such as an iPad or a similar device, can weigh approximately 500 grams or even slightly less. Picture holding a tablet in your hands and considering its weight. By visualizing this common electronic gadget, you can develop an understanding of what 500 grams feels like.

Transition: Now, let’s explore a common item that most of us carry in our pockets daily.

5. Smartphone

Smartphone – A Pocket-Sized Device

A typical smartphone weighs approximately 160–200 grams, which means a stack of two or three smartphones would weigh close to 500 grams. Imagine holding a few smartphones in your hand and feeling the combined weight. This comparison can help you comprehend what 500 grams feels like.

Transition: Let’s now move away from electronic gadgets and shift our attention to clothing.

6. Pair of Jeans

Pair of Jeans – A Wardrobe Staple

A pair of jeans, depending on the fabric and size, typically weighs around 500 grams. Visualize holding a folded pair of jeans in your hands and considering its weight. This common clothing item can serve as a relatable reference for the weight of 500 grams.

Transition: Moving on to a daily essential that many of us use for hydration.

7. Water Bottle

Water Bottle – Stay Hydrated on the Go

A standard 500ml water bottle, when full, weighs approximately 500 grams. Imagine holding a filled water bottle and feeling its weight. This familiar item can help you understand the weight of 500 grams and serve as a practical comparison.

Transition: Now let’s venture into the world of stationery and explore the weight of writing tools.

8. Pack of Pens

Pack of Pens – Writing Essentials

A pack of ballpoint pens or similar writing instruments can weigh around 500 grams. Visualize holding a pack of pens in your hand and feeling its weight. This office or school supply can give you a tangible representation of 500 grams.

Transition: Let’s now move on to a common kitchen utensil that is widely used for cooking.

9. Wooden Cutting Board

Wooden Cutting Board – Prep Your Meals

A wooden cutting board, depending on its size and thickness, can weigh approximately 500 grams. Picture holding a solid wooden cutting board in your hands and feeling its weight. This everyday kitchen tool can help you understand the weight of 500 grams in a practical context.

Transition: Lastly, let’s explore a personal accessory that many people wear daily.

10. Pair of Shoes

Pair of Shoes – Step in Style

A pair of shoes, depending on the style and material, can often weigh around 500 grams. Picture holding two shoes in your hands and feeling their combined weight. This common clothing item can provide a relatable reference for the weight of 500 grams.


How can I measure the weight of an object in grams?

To measure the weight of an object in grams, you can use a digital scale or a kitchen scale. Place the object on the scale and read the weight displayed in grams. This will give you an accurate measurement of the object’s weight.

Can the weight of an object vary if it weighs approximately 500 grams?

Yes, the weight of an object can vary slightly depending on factors such as its size, material, and manufacturing variances. When we say an object weighs approximately 500 grams, it means it falls within a range close to 500 grams. Keep in mind that the weight is an approximation and might differ slightly.

Are there other common items that weigh around 500 grams?

Yes, there are numerous other common items that weigh around 500 grams. Some examples include a paperback book, a can of soda, a small bag of coffee beans, a stack of five compact discs (CDs), or a small handbag. These items can provide further visual comparisons to help you understand the weight of 500 grams.

How much is 500 grams in other units of weight?

Five hundred grams is equivalent to 0.5 kilograms, 1.1023 pounds, or 17.636 ounces. These conversions can help you relate 500 grams to other commonly used weight measurements.


In this beginner’s guide, we explored 10 common objects that weigh approximately 500 grams. By using everyday items like cans of soup, bags of flour, wristwatches, tablets, and smartphones, we aimed to provide relatable examples for better understanding. Additionally, we highlighted the weight of water bottles, packs of pens, wooden cutting boards, and pairs of jeans as practical comparisons.

Next time you encounter the weight of 500 grams, you’ll have a better understanding of its significance. Remember to visualize and compare it to familiar objects to develop a more intuitive sense of what 500 grams feels like.

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